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How to add social media icons to a WordPress site?

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Do you want your WordPress site to look professional and aesthetically pleasing? Add social media icons to make your website more engaging and interactive. Adding social media icons to your WordPress page is a great way to increase your site’s visibility while connecting your page to more people. Read this article to learn how to add social media icons to your WordPress site easily and effectively.

1. Setting Up Social Media Icons on a WordPress Site

Adding social media icons to a WordPress website can be a great way to extend a brand or show platform content to visitors. It’s a simple, low-cost way to engage with a larger audience and drive traffic to your site.

Here are 4 easy steps to :

  • Choose your social media platforms. Decide which platforms are most relevant to your audience and website.
  • Find a plugin that supports your platforms. After selecting your social media platform, find a plugin that can link them to your site.
  • Install and activate the plugin. With the plugin downloaded and saved in your WordPress plugin folder on the server, you can now install and activate.
  • Configure the plugin. Upon activation, you can now customize the look and feel of the social media icons on your WordPress site.

Adding social media icons to your WordPress site can be a challenging process. However, with the right plugin and a few configuration choices you can be well on your way to quickly adding these icons on your site and engaging with a bigger audience.


2. Embedding Social media Icons Into Your Page Content

Make an Impact with Icons. Icons are an efficient way to quickly convey information and messages to your website viewers. Your page content will become more engaging by adding icons to your page to give it a dynamic, modern look.

Adding icons to your page can take things to the next level and make it easier for your visitors to understand the message you are trying to get across. Here are some reasons why incorporating icons is beneficial:

  • Bring attention to certain sections.
  • Allow you to use fewer words to explain a point.
  • Save space without losing information.
  • Break up long text for better readability.
  • Provide focus and context.

All it takes is a few lines of code to get these eye-catching visuals in your page content and it doesn’t even have to be difficult to include them. Icon sets such as Font Awesome and Material Design are great starting points to get you up and running quickly.

3. Placing Icons in Your Sidebar or Header

If you’re looking to brighten up your web page or add some interesting visual elements, icons are the way to go. Adding simple, well-designed icons to strategic areas around your site can greatly improve your user experience while adding a sleek, professional look.

To make sure your icons get noticed, you should place them in prominent places like your header or sidebar. This is also a great way to highlight important links or posts. It’s easy to do this with drag and drop widgets in most web page building suites:

  • Choose the area you want to add the icon.
  • Select the correct widget from a dropdown menu.
  • Upload your icon — most systems will even accept a URL for an icon stored on another server.
  • Tell the widget where to link the icon to, if applicable.
  • Preview, and save the new widget!

Adding icons to your web page not only looks great but also helps your users find their way around quickly. So place some icons around your website in prominent positions and improve the look and efficiency of your website in one fell swoop!

4. Finishing Touches for a Professional Look

The penultimate step in your in-office presentation prep is making sure the room looks the best it can. A few finishing touches can go a long way to achieve a more professional look!

  • Straighten furniture: Go around the room to give each piece of furniture a second glance. Make sure each desk and chair is positioned just-so and everything is even.
  • Add fresh flowers: A few pops of natural color do wonders in brightening up an office. Buy (or bring in from your garden) low-cost but eye-catching flower arrangements for the conference table.
  • Clean up tech wiring: Wrangling cords is a bummer, but with some fun twisty ties you can turn a tech center into an aesthetically pleasing display.
  • Polish surfaces: Wiping down all of the surfaces, from the walls to the tabletop, can make the office look as if it were just cleaned–also perfect if you’re expecting visitors.

And don’t forget the windows! Glossy surfaces go a long way in making a room look polished and professional. Get your windows squeaky clean and give the office an instant boost. That’s all it takes to perfect the presentation prep process! Implementing social media icons on your WordPress site is a great way to increase its visibility on the world wide web. Furthermore, from an aesthetic point of view, the presence of social media icons will make the site look more attractive and professional. Therefore, if you haven’t integrated social media icons on your WordPress site, you should take the plunge.

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